Holistic Rural Initiative for Development and Yield
Project : Holistic Rural Initiative for Development and Yield
Donor : LIC HFL
Location : Gaya
Outreach : The project aims to directly benefit 16000 population from 3000 household of 7 villages, KhizerSarai block of Gaya district to the deprived section of the society.
Project Brief :IDF is working for the holistic development to direct multi-lateral efforts focusing on resolving different needs through diverse thematic areas and abridge development gaps for overall development of the selected villages. It is ensuring community participation by strengthening community institutions like: Village Development Committees, adolescent groups, SHGs, farmers group etc. It offers to develop need-based community assets. In order to achieve the program output IDF will leverage the resources, ensure the availability and accessibility of the services, facilitate training and skill development of the core group members to modeled them as master trainers, and convergence with different government departments, government programs and schemes for holistic outcome with the objective for sustainability.
Gaya is one of the biggest districts located on the southern part of Bihar and is considered as one of the backward districts, which brings it under ‘Transformation of Aspirational District Program’ by NITI Aayog aiming expeditiously improve the socio-economic conditions of the district. In order to deal with the overall issues, the project plan was based on holistic development of the community based on sustainability model. The project focusses on 5 main themes – Health & Nutrition, Education, Agriculture & Water Resources, Financial Inclusion & Skill Development, and Basic Infrastructure, which have direct bearing on the quality of life and economic productivity of citizens. The project envisages ranking of the districts to solicit current data for the district teams to improve the impact of their effort.