Strengthening Local Governance for Effective Service Delivery

Project :    Promoting School Safety Initiatives in Urban Schools – UNICEF
Donor :      
Location : Patna

Project Brief :
Education, knowledge, and awareness are all critical aspects in preventing loss from disaster, as well as increasing the capacity to respond to and recover from natural disasters. It is essential to integrate Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) into the education system in schools and there have been many initiatives to do so. State educational boards, ICSE, and CBSC have all included disaster management into school curriculums. The mainstreaming of DRR in schools will ensure that knowledge of DRR practices will not only reach students in their schools, but also in their homes and communities. They will act as educators within these frameworks so that other members of their families and communities will be better equipped to deal with disasters.
IDF, with the help of UNICEF and with the purpose of ensuring Zero Mortality of Children in Schools from Preventable Disasters, has begun activities to reach school going children in Patna. This program runs in 15 urban schools in the city, covering 15,000 children and 75 teachers. This program has allowed the establishment of School Disaster Management Committees, but has also fostered the strengthening of existing committees in schools. Raising awareness on local hazards and risk reduction among targeted stakeholders, including students, teachers, school management, guardians, etc., through various modes of outreach, including lecture, discussion, posters, street plays, and demonstrations, have been planned to ensure DRR is correctly addressed in schools.