Promoting Sustainable Sanitation in Rural India
Donor : Global Sanitation Fund
Location : Seraikela (Jharkhand)
Project Brief :
Promoting Sustainable Sanitation in Rural India (PSSIRI) in Seraikella-Kharsawan district at scale of Jharkhand founded by Sanitation Fund (GSF). PSSIRI is one of the highly ambitious and challenging 04 years assignments of the organization supported by Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) through NRMCindia committed to cover 136 Panchayat and 1185 revenue villages comprises of 165539 household comprises of 10 63485 population. The core component of the project is to promote awareness level of community to adopt feasible Sanitation behavior in sustainable basis. The guiding principle of the projects is process of facilitation for Open defecation free village development should be led by the community itself.
This project has started with the objective
- To contribute to sustainable sanitation use and hygiene behaviour at scal.
- To develop capacity for sustainable promotion of improved sanitation and hygiene and
- To promote culture of continuous learning among all stakeholder with having its major program components are Support for enabling Access and effective use of improved sanitation facility and hygiene promotion and Support for sanitation marketing and use of media.
Organization gain meaningful experience of using community led sanitation exercise as an effective tool of community mobilization towards create massive momentum for adoption of feasible sanitation behaviors in course of implementation of PSSIRI project at Seraikella. Organization successfully harness model ODF villages developed under project for demonstration to community for replication and concern government department for mobilization of resources for permanent ODF villages. Organizations learn “Shame & disguised and health believe BCC model” act as driving force to inspire community to assign ownership in sanitation project. Precisely organization successfully organize highly qualitative CLTS (community lead total sanitation) exercise in various villages and create enabling environment by mobilizing community, through several school rallies, Nukkad Nattak, Wall painting in 24 operational Panchayat in tandem with capacity building exercises for VWSC members , PPRIs members and CBOs members to obtain millage too achieve desire result of the Project . The series of consultation and visit of concern government and various organization support IDF to developed very apposite environment to achieve committed result of the project. Organization successfully developed multi disciplinary team of experts in the field of community mobilization and IEC expert with excellent coordination with local NGO and concern government department.
IDF often appreciated for pioneering of innovative BCC activities to encourage community to adopt feasible sanitation behavior. In 6 months of implementation total of 15 villages developed and declared ODF village status accordingly reported to all concern (Govt. & Donor). Concern public sector machinery engaged to fulfil process of mobilising fund for making those villages permanent ODF village. There are 60 villages are partially and in the verge of ODF under observation going to declare as confirm ODF villages by end of this year.