Income & Expenditure
for the period ending 31st March 2010.
INCOME   Current Year 2009-2010 
Grant               24,402,932.31
Donation                 406,669.43
Membership Fees                     9,000.00
Other Receipts & Advance                   77,373.00
Interest and Other                 215,464.00
Deficit During The Year                 279,560.29
Total Rs             25,390,999.03
Programme Cost Training/Capacity Building              1,843,391.00
Orientation                 322,919.00
Need /Base Line Assessement                   29,064.00
Direct Action With Coomunity/Community Moblization/Cluster Level Coordination              2,110,988.00
Water and sanitation              2,777,356.17
Advocacy and Networking              1,404,753.50
Awarness Building              2,125,832.00
Stakeholder Meeting                   67,889.00
Solidarity Events                 191,579.00
Cluster Level Meeting /VLC Meeting                   72,900.00
Review Meeting                   95,222.00
Workshop                 758,507.00
Village Micro Planining/Micro Level Planining                   41,930.00
IEC/ Material Printing                 951,568.50
Capital Input/Revolving fund/              1,337,751.00
Livelihood Promotion Initiatives                 818,403.00
Flood Relief                 310,982.00
Exposure Visit                 121,300.00
 Study on CL utilization                   25,000.00
 Disaster Plan                   20,000.00
 Consantancy Fees                   23,300.00
 Community Action for Water & Sanitation                   66,873.00
 Watsan                        742.00
 Water Drum                   22,581.00
 Water Filter                   68,180.00
  Salaries and Benefit              5,355,313.00
Recurring Cost and Overhead Implementation Support, Operational expenses and Administrative Cost               1,220,933.50
Programme Support                 873,049.50
 NGO Administration Cost/Overhead/Misc.                 661,584.20
 Recurring Cost                    35,418.00
 Bank Charges                   14,190.66
 Contingencies                 246,880.00
 IDF Non FCRA                   25,019.00
 Payable                 857,937.00
 Depreciation                 491,663.00
Total Rs             25,390,999.03
Balance Sheet - As on 31st March 2010
ASSETS  Current Year 2009-2010 
Fixed Assets                1,688,408.00
Current Assets  
Loan & Advances & Receivable              4,958,726.58
CASH IN HAND                   60,380.55
CASH AT BANK              5,613,774.18
Total Rs             12,321,289.31
General Fund               9,871,081.73
Current Liability              1,802,395.58
Community Relvovling Fund Payable                 647,812.00
Total Rs             12,321,289.31